Hold Tight...

0 %
Warith AL Maawali
Driving cybersecurity excellence
Innovator behind Linux Kodachi
  • Residence:
  • Uptime Binary:
  • Mantra:
    Innovate, Secure, Repeat
Programming & R&D
AI & Vibe coding
  • Bash
  • Gambas
  • Delphi
  • PHP
  • Visual basic
  • Rust

Automate Cybersecurity News Monitoring with This Bash-Based RSS Feed Tester



Staying updated with the latest cybersecurity news is critical for professionals and enthusiasts alike. To streamline this process, RSS feeds offer a convenient way to aggregate news from multiple trusted sources. The Bash script we’re exploring automates the testing and parsing of cybersecurity-focused RSS feeds, ensuring timely access to updates while verifying the integrity and availability of each feed.

Why It Matters

Manually checking each news site or feed can be tedious and error-prone. This script ensures that your list of RSS feeds is not only reachable but also returning valid, readable content. It’s particularly useful for security analysts, IT teams, and hobbyists who want a daily pulse on emerging threats, exploits, and defense techniques from trusted sources.

Key Features

  • Sequential testing of popular cybersecurity RSS feeds
  • Colored terminal output for improved readability
  • Automatic detection of RSS and Atom formats
  • Extraction and display of the latest 5 article titles per feed
  • Error handling for unreachable or broken feeds
  • Time tracking for both individual and total script execution
  • Logging results to timestamped files for review and audit

How It Works

Upon execution, the script:

  1. Records the start time to measure total runtime.
  2. Verifies that curl is installed (essential for fetching feeds) and optionally checks for bc (used for timing).
  3. Prepares a timestamped results log file and output directory.
  4. Iterates through a predefined array of cybersecurity RSS feed URLs.
  5. For each feed:
  • It uses curl with a timeout to fetch the feed data, saving the output to a temporary file.
  • If the fetch is successful, it extracts and prints the latest 5 article titles.
    • First, it looks for <title> tags, common in RSS.
    • If standard tags are missing, it checks for Atom (<entry>) or RSS item blocks (<item>) and extracts titles accordingly.
  • Timing for each feed’s processing is calculated if bc is available.
  • All output is color-coded and logged.
  1. After all feeds are processed, the script prints and logs the total execution time.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure prerequisites:
   sudo apt install curl bc
  1. Make the script executable:
   chmod +x rss-tester.sh
  1. Run the script:
  1. Review results:
    Check the rss_test_results directory for the latest log file, which contains feed statuses and recent articles.


  • Time-Saving: Automates the verification of multiple RSS feeds at once.
  • Reliable: Avoids script hangs with timeouts and fallback logic.
  • Flexible: Easily extendable to support more feeds or advanced parsing.
  • Informative: Logs contain detailed information, including errors and previews for failed feeds.
  • Readable: Uses colored output for quick visual feedback on success and failure.

Live Demo

You can see the implementation of this script in action at kodachi.cloud. Just scroll to the bottom left of the page and click on the RSS icon to view the live feed results generated by this tool.


This RSS Feed Tester script is a powerful utility for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts who rely on timely information. By automating the validation and parsing of news feeds, it ensures uninterrupted access to the latest updates in the threat landscape. Whether for daily operations or periodic checks, this script is a dependable tool for staying informed and vigilant.


# RSS Feed Tester Script
# ================================
# Author: Warith Al Maawali
# Copyright (c) 2025 Warith Al Maawali
# License: See /home/kodachi/LICENSE
# Version: 1.0.0
# Last updated: 2025-03-23
# Description:
# This script tests the availability and content of various cybersecurity
# RSS feeds. It fetches each feed, verifies its accessibility, and extracts
# the latest articles. The script provides colored output for better readability
# and saves detailed results to a log file.
# Usage:
# ./rss-tester.sh
# Output Information:
# - Feed accessibility status (OK/FAILED)
# - Latest 5 articles from each feed
# - Processing time for each feed
# - Total script execution time
# Dependencies:
# - curl: For fetching RSS feeds
# - bc: For time calculations
# Return Values:
# The script creates a timestamped log file with test results
# and returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
# Examples:
# ./rss-tester.sh    # Test all configured RSS feeds
# Links:
# - Website: https://www.digi77.com
# - GitHub: https://github.com/WMAL
# - Discord: https://discord.gg/KEFErEx
# - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/warith1977
# - X (Twitter): https://x.com/warith2020

# Start timing the entire script execution
SCRIPT_START=$(date +%s.%N)

# Array of RSS feeds to test

# ANSI color codes for better readability
GREEN='\033[0;32m'  # Success messages
RED='\033[0;31m'    # Error messages
BLUE='\033[0;34m'   # Information messages
YELLOW='\033[0;33m' # Feed content and warnings
NC='\033[0m'        # No Color (reset)

echo -e "${BLUE}Testing RSS feeds...${NC}"
echo -e "${BLUE}====================${NC}"

# Check for required dependencies
if ! command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  echo -e "${RED}Error: curl is required but not installed.${NC}"
  exit 1

if ! command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  echo -e "${RED}Warning: bc is required for timing calculations but not installed.${NC}"
  echo -e "${RED}Timing information will not be accurate.${NC}"

# Create results directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p rss_test_results

# Get current timestamp for the log file name
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")

# Function to test and parse feed
test_feed() {
  local feed=$1
  local feed_start=$(date +%s.%N)
  local temp_file=$(mktemp)

  echo -e "Testing: ${YELLOW}$feed${NC}"

  # Use timeout to prevent hanging on unresponsive feeds
  curl -s -L --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 30 -o "$temp_file" "$feed" 2>/dev/null
  local curl_status=$?
  local http_code=0

  # Set HTTP code based on file existence
  if [ -s "$temp_file" ]; then

  # Handle connection failures
  if [[ $curl_status -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo -e "${RED}[ERROR] Connection failed for $feed (curl status: $curl_status)${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    rm -f "$temp_file"

  # Process successful responses
  if [ $http_code -eq 200 ] && [ -s "$temp_file" ]; then
    echo -e "${GREEN}[OK] $feed${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    echo -e "${BLUE}Latest 5 items:${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

    # Simple approach - extract title tags
    grep -o "<title>.*</title>" "$temp_file" |
      sed 's/<title>//g; s/<\/title>//g' |
      sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' |
      head -n 6 | tail -n 5 |
      while read -r title; do
        echo -e "${YELLOW}- $title${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

    # If no titles found with simple approach, try more methods
    if [ $(grep -c "<title" "$temp_file") -eq 0 ]; then
      echo -e "${YELLOW}No standard titles found, trying alternative parsing...${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

      # Try to detect feed type and extract accordingly
      if grep -q "<entry" "$temp_file"; then
        # Atom feed format
        grep -o "<entry.*</entry>" "$temp_file" |
          grep -o "<title.*</title>" |
          sed 's/<title[^>]*>//g; s/<\/title>//g' |
          head -n 5 |
          while read -r title; do
            echo -e "${YELLOW}- $title${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
      elif grep -q "<item" "$temp_file"; then
        # RSS feed format
        grep -o "<item.*</item>" "$temp_file" |
          grep -o "<title.*</title>" |
          sed 's/<title[^>]*>//g; s/<\/title>//g' |
          head -n 5 |
          while read -r title; do
            echo -e "${YELLOW}- $title${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

    # Calculate and display feed processing time
    if command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1; then
      local feed_end=$(date +%s.%N)
      local feed_time=$(echo "$feed_end - $feed_start" | bc)
      echo -e "${BLUE}[Time] Feed processed in ${feed_time} seconds${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    echo "" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    # Handle failed responses
    echo -e "${RED}[FAILED] $feed (HTTP Code: $http_code, File size: $(wc -c <"$temp_file") bytes)${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    # Save first few lines of the response for debugging
    echo -e "${RED}Response preview:${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
    head -n 10 "$temp_file" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

  # Cleanup temporary file
  rm -f "$temp_file"

# Write header to results file
echo "RSS Feed Test Results - $(date)" >"$RESULTS_FILE"
echo "=================================" >>"$RESULTS_FILE"

# Run feeds sequentially for reliability
echo -e "${BLUE}Processing feeds sequentially...${NC}"
for feed in "${RSS_FEEDS[@]}"; do
  test_feed "$feed"

# Calculate total script execution time
if command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  SCRIPT_END=$(date +%s.%N)
  echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Results saved to: $RESULTS_FILE${NC}"
  echo -e "${BLUE}Total execution time: ${TOTAL_TIME} seconds${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"
  echo -e "\n${GREEN}Test completed. Results saved to: $RESULTS_FILE${NC}"
  echo -e "${BLUE}Total execution time: Not available (bc command missing)${NC}" | tee -a "$RESULTS_FILE"

Posted in Deep TechTags:
© Warith AL Maawali. All Rights Reserved.
Stay Secure, Stay Assured.